Northern Regional Squad Training September 2012
Pictured above are EKF Regional Squad coaches Ian Swain and Paul Newby, with a rather hot and sweaty Joe Rose, Charlotte Pinder and Oliver Dearing.
This squad session was the latest in the English Karate Federations regional program of events. The idea being to bring this quality of training sessions to various venues within the three regions of the country. Ian Swain and Paul Newby are two of the four Northern coaches, but the day was bolstered by the addition of the EKF National Coach Willie Thomas. Willie took the first of the two sessions, which were two hours in duration. A short break for lunch around 12 noon was followed by the second session with the regional coaches. Also in attendance were Barry Meanwell, with Chris and Dean Fenton.
The next session is in Manchester during November, and Wado UK will be there with anyone who wishes to attend.