Wado-UK Presentation Evening 2010

On Friday 10th December 2010, around 150 of the Wado-UK membership met at the Hull University for their end of year presentation evening. The John McCarthy suite was once again the venue for the function and after three successive years it seems to be home for this particular party.
The presentation started with a brief overview of the years activities and successes but also included a minute silence to show respect for Emily Pierce who passed away on the 19th November 2010.

Following the 2010 overview the club presentations were made. The club instructors were on hand to make the presentations and Dean Dent was once again on hand with his camera to record the moment the award winners showed off their awards.

Alfie Goff, Ashleigh Clarkson, Joe Munro and Gary Stevenson. Winners of the Club achievement Award

Tracey Balaam-Reed, George Campbell, Chloe Hayes and Amy Rose. Winners of the Club Servicce awards. Chloe Hayes was actually receiving it on behalf of Mike Bickerstaff of the ShinKen Dojo.

Thomas Balaam-Reed, Jack Stoddart and Charlotte Pinder. Winners of the Club Kata Award.

Harry Oetegenn, Megan Baterbee, Mia Cowles and Joe Rose. Winners of the Club Kumite Award.

The association presentations began with a certificate being awarded to a parent who qualified as a competition marshall. These helpers save an incredible amount of time at competitions, by preparing the competitors, prior to actually reaching the area. This enables each new category to begin almost immediately. For this year's qualifications;

  • Competition Marshal

Abbie Milner

Following on the association made presentations of certificates to recognise continued support in the following areas;

  • Photography

Amy Rose

  • Competition Marshals

Abbie Milner , George Campbell, Stevie Dent, Jade Clark, Amanda Rose and Ben Munro

  • Competition Table Officials

Allison Munro, Wendy Jollens, Gaynor Dent and Jackie Newton

Certificates were also presented to all those who had represented Wado UK throughout the year. This has become tradition and although it recognises those who see success also, it rewards and recognises the achievement and willingness of those who perhaps do not win trophies or accolades during the competitive year.

The main awards of the evening traditionally come last, the first of which is the Association Service Award. Nominations this year for the award were as follows;

  1. George Campbell for his assistance and guidance on all matters regarding grant funding
  2. Allison Munro for her ceaseless efforts and un-ending imagination regarding fundraising

For 2010 the Outstanding Service Award went to Allison Munro

The second and final association award is called the Association High Level Achievement Award. Nominations this year were as follows;

  1. Ashleigh Clarkson for her bronze medal at the British International Open
  2. Jessica Bates for her silver medal at the British International Open
  3. Thomas Balaam-Reed for his bronze and silver medals at the British Championships
  4. Barry Meanwell for him achieving full England International Status in A four nation grand Slam match in Dublin

For 2010 the High Level Achievement Award went to Jessica Bates

One final award was made by way of recognition of work done on Wado UK's behalf. An engraved glass trophy was presented by John Moreton and Barry Meanwell to Tony Dent.

Photography by Dean Dent - Presentations and Amy Rose - Function

Function photographs can be viewed by clicking (Here).

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